Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Once Upon a Time....

Once upon a time I went to Ricks College. Looking back at those days they were so carefree and probably the funnest (is that a word) time of my life. We partied and played EVERY day! It's easy now to forget how life was until you meet up with those you shared that time with. The following picture are my roommates for the 94-95 school year. I am on the bottom right (notice my hair isn't quite as big).

The coolest thing about our apartment was we had the shortest girl Loralee (4'10") and the tallest girl, Krissy (6'2"). If you notice the following picture everyone in the back row is standing on the floor.
After graduating from Ricks Alice came back with me to Morgan for the summer to work and hang out just a little more. We were planning on missions before finishing up our bachelor's degrees. We continued to do dumb stuff like dress up in my mom's old clothes. It didn't matter what we did we had fun doing it.
Before we all left on missions we took one last hurrah and went to Disneyland together. It was Me, Krissy, Alice and Lol. We had so much fun and it was my first plane ride. We went in October 1995.

I haven't seen Alice since 2002 when I went to her home in Mesa. Every once in awhile the rest of us get together and it is always so much fun but it was especially fun yesterday.

We had SOOOOO much fun talking and laughing about the good 'ol days. I have to admit it is a bit tough to talk when there are 10 kids between us but we managed to catch up. This picture is all but one child and myself. CRAZY!

The best thing yesterday had to be watching "The Roommate Video" that Alice and I put together at the end of our Sophomore year. We were so proud of the video and as we watched it we were still proud of the technology we used in 1995. We didn't actually finish the video because we had to pause on every picture and figure out who everybody was in the picture. We also realized as we watched it that we had about 50 pictures of the same date scattered throughout. We were laughing so hard as our kids were looking at us wondering what had gotten into their moms.

Loralee just cracked me up in this picture. I was trying to get a cute picture of her and Alice talking but Lol was so animated in her story that every picture she is pulling some new face.
We ended up spending the whole day together. It was so fun to see Lol and Alice. We actually got a picture of the 3 of us. I think we may look better now than 14 years ago.


Ann said...

You looked pretty delectable in some of those photos.

Alice said...

Wow!!! Love the pictures! They bring back many fabulous memories! I had a WONDERFUL time in Utah visiting with all of you! The laughter was good for my stomach! :) I agree that we look more mature and a bit wiser. Thanks for making my life so much happier! :)

(Nice word Ann---delectable??? I've never heard that word before!)