Monday, August 25, 2008

Quick Trip to Bear Lake

One more quick trip with way too many pictures is what happened last week-end. All summer I wanted to get to Bear Lake because I knew Aubree would just love it. We went up Friday and came home Saturday so it was really quick. We met up with Michael and Stacie for dinner and then they came back and had a campfire with us. Aubree was glad to have Abby's company. Syd and Rachel tried to be like the big girls but mostly just got dirty.

Of coarse I brought my camera and just kept taking pictures. I really need to stop. I don't know what I'll ever do with all these pictures. It's almost becoming an addiction.....It's just hard to stop when my girls are so cute and I love learning what works and doesn't work in photography. I do love the reflection in the top picture.

Even though Syd didn't sleep the greatest she still woke up pretty happy and ready for another day on the beach. Aubree didn't want to go back to our old house she prefers the tent.

Again, this wasn't Scott's first choice of a week-end, it was a little cold and the girls both came down with colds but I had a good time. I really love any time we can spend together as a family.


Ann said...

It looks like it was fun. Next year we will have to come with you.

Andrea said...

Don't stop taking pictures, they are wonderful! Your girls look adorable, and you really have a hidden photography talent!

MysteryWoman said...

Awesome pics! And congrats on your new piano :)

Katie and Kyle said...

So cute! You take such great pictures. I need a few tips =)

Sarah said...

Your pictures are fabulous! You are an amazing photographer! The pics of your girls are so precious!

Stephanie B said...

Great pictures, I love the Sydney's pants are falling down in one of them. Such cute girls.