Friday, August 29, 2008

Dancing Queen

Aubree started her first dance lessons this week. She has been really excited but nervous at the same time. I found myself probably more nervous than she was. We got her dressed and I think we could have ended there and she would have been happy. As we loaded in the car I asked her if she thought we should have a prayer so she could have help from Jesus. She consented and I said a quick prayer for both of our nerves.

Before going she kept asking if I could be there with her. I told her I would be there but I would just be watching. I told her that her teacher would tell her everything she needed to do. I seriously had butterflies. As a Mom you just want to see your child succeed. It's hard to see them struggle even though it's part of life and I really think it's important that they do work through some struggles.

Anyway, she went right in and loved every second of the class. She did tumbling for the first 30 minutes and then ballet for the 2nd 30 minutes. There are 3 girls in her class and they had so much fun. When we were on our way home she said that she didn't need that prayer because it was "Incredible". I tried to tell her that Jesus helped her but she wasn't having it. I guess the prayer was more for myself.

Aubree asked if she could go again some day. She was thrilled when she found out she gets to go EVERY Tuesday. She's my cute little dancer and I'm so proud of her for being brave.


Andrea said...

She looks adorable! And that's great that she likes it so much.

Palmer Family said...

Hi becky its Melissa Palmer I added you to my blog I hope that is okay? Your girls are adorable!!!

Katie and Kyle said...

Yeah!!!! So exciting. I understand how you felt. I was super nervous Scarlett's first day too. It goes away after a while. Funny huh? Good job to both of you!

Stephanie B said...

How cute! Can't wait to see some footage of her dance stuff. Or maybe at the next family reunion...

Holly said...

Your photos are so beautiful. We need to have you take some family pics for us.

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Very nice photos and family.

Happy Weekend.

Russ (via Blogger Next blog)